Friday, January 21, 2011

Deadlifts, Presses, and Confit, oh my!

Well, the aforementioned chicken confit turned out amazing!  I salted the chicken thighs and drumsticks, put them in the crockpot over a few scoops of lard, and also dropped in a handful of garlic, and some roasting herbs wrapped in cheesecloth.  I put it all together and stuck it in the fridge before bed, then started cooking before leaving for work in the morning (a little before 6:30).  The boyfriend dutifully turned off the crockpot a little before 3:30 pm, and I tried a piece as soon as I got home, and it was wonderful.  The garlic I had added was caramelized to perfection, and the chicken was falling apart.  I chopped up some cauliflower and garlic, drizzled it with a few tablespoons of the fat out of the crockpot, and roasted it at 450 degrees for about 15 minutes, then blended it into mashed cauliflower.  Then I had some chicken with the cauliflower.  It was so good, I had to call one of my girlfriends as I was eating it, and tell her what I had done.  She said to me "are you crying over chicken?!"  This stuff is RICH though; halfway through my small plate, I had to stop, or I may have keeled over.  I'll definitely have to make this again; it's super easy, and a great winter meal.

In gym news, I was perusing the Whole9 site and came across their 603 PTP program and was intrigued.  While I do believe in mixing up the ol' fitness routine (i.e. don't have a fitness routine), I do see the merits of focusing on foundational movements like the deadlift and press to get stronger.  I still can't do a pullup, so I am open to trying something different to get there!  I'll still be mixing in kettlebell swings and other fun stuff, and I'm looking forward to seeing how much more I can deadlift in 3 weeks.  I guess I ought to figure what my 1RM is; I started out the program doing 105lbs, and I was slightly sore the day after, so I think I'm pretty well on target.

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